How can I get the mq message body ,for example:Activemq、kafka?

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I see the trace information in the span details of jms and kafka.
but I can not see any message body? I just can see the queue name and the message head of ActiveMq and the queue name. what should I do if I want to see the message body

this is my picture

the first picture is the kafka,the second picture is the activeMq

Hi and thanks for the question.
Firstly, you need to enable body capturing. Then, the agent would only capture bodies of javax.jms.TextMessage and the toString representation of Kafka records' keys and values.
I hope this helps.

thank you ,I get it

what shold i do if I want to caputure the Object type messages? use the public api?

our jms message type is javax.jms.ObjectMessage

How would you like the ObjectMessage to be rendered? Would calling the toString method be good enough?

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