How can I rename and reorder fields in Kibana?


I am wondering if there is a way to rearrange the list of fields as they are presented when a document is expanded like in the picture below.

I am also wondering if it is possible to rename the "@timestamp" field. For my logs I have a date field, "logdate", that is based on when the logs were originally created along with the "@timestamp" field for when they were sent to ES. I am hoping to rename "@timestamp" to something more descriptive like "stashdate" so that other users do not get confused by the two date fields.

Thank you so much!!

Unfortunately neither are possible in kibana currently, though we do have a popular request for field name aliases here: How are you ingesting your data? Perhaps you can change the name at that level?

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Thank you for the prompt reply! I am using Grok patterns to bring the data into ES through Logstash. I tried using the Logstash mutate filter plugin to rename @timestamp but got an error in the console about there being no @timestamp field. Is there another option to rename it before it is sent to Elasticsearch? Maybe copying the values to another field with a different name and then using remove_field for @timestamp?

You should be able to do this by giving the time field a custom field name, and then using the date filter plugin to make sure it's captured as a date type.

This discuss post outlines steps: Converting string to date

Thanks, Stacey! I have added a new field with same value as @timestamp with following code:

Is there anyway to remove the @timestamp field, or at least keep it from being visible in Kibana?

Thanks again!

hmm, it does look like there is, as mentioned in the above blog post:

For bonus points, you can remove the now-superfluous timestamp field (since you overwrote @timestamp), by adding remove_field => "timestamp" to your date filter block. This will only delete the timestamp field upon successful conversion. This way you're not filling up your indices with a redundant timestamp field.

But it looks like you aren't using the date filter to achieve the second time field, so perhaps those instructions won't work. Have you checked out remove_field available in the ruby filter. Take a look at these docs:

Maybe that will do the trick!

I've tried using the mutate filter to name @timestamp and the ruby filter to remove the field but I get the following error each time:

An unexpected error occurred! :error => timestamp field is missing

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