How can i store the rall race report data in a remote ES-cluster?

how can i store the rall race report data in a remote ES-cluster?i can use kibana to show the report,i try to edit the file :/.rally/rally.ini,i make the [reporting] datastore.type = in-memory = myEs-clusterIp datastore.port = 9200 ,but i cant get the report data in the ES-cluster

Hi @willJackson,

I do not recommend that you edit the configuration file directly. The recommended way is to run the advanced configuration routine in Rally with esrally configure --advanced-config. Note that the configuration routine will overwrite your existing configuration file.

To tell Rally to use an Elasticsearch metrics cluster the configuration file should look as follows:

datastore.type = elasticsearch = YOUR_ES_HOST_NAME_OR_IP
datastore.port = YOUR_ES_PORT_NUMBER = False
datastore.user =
datastore.password =

However, don't rely that this will stay forever as is. The safe and recommended way is to run the configuration routine as I've described above.


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