How can I use query match AND instead of comma?

Hi; My question is really simple but I couldn't find any solution for that ? I have a 3 columns "why, target,rate,similarto" . This is a kind of recommendation system . target is "A Hotel", similarto is "B Hotel, C Hotel" why is reason . if "why" column have "Antalya,Kum Plaj", my result MUST include "Antalya,Kum Plaj" together like "Antalya AND Kum Plaj" when you look at below picture, you can see that "Antalya,Kum Plaj" working as "Antalya OR Kum Plaj".

I tried 2 queries but both of them not working properly.

my first query :

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "range": {
            "rate": {
              "gte": 0.7,
              "lte": 1,
              "boost": 2.0
          "term": {
            "target.keyword": "Robinson Club Nobilis"
          "match": {
            "why": "Antalya,Kum Plaj"

Second query:

    POST /hotelsimilaritydeneme*/_search
      "multi_match" : {
         "query": "(Kum Plaj AND Antalya) and Not why.keyword : '' and target.keyword :'Design Plus Seya Beach'  and rate >= 0.6",
         "fields": [ "why","target","rate"]

thank you for your help.

Hi; is there any good advise for that?

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