How do configure display field response time on kibana of integration nginx

I have configured elastic-agent with integration nginx. However, it does not have a responsetime field on kibana like the following image:

And I was tried configured prossessors pipelines but it is error

Please everyone help me how to integrate responsetime field in nginx , elastic-agent

Hi @vanhaiit90

Perhaps take a look at this thread

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Yes thank @stephenb . Yesterday I also think a lot of about how to integrate responsetime field in nginx , elastic-agent . And I have any suggestion solution to solve this problem as follow step:

Step 1 : I access with path on Kibana: Stack Management -> Ingest Pipelines -> logs-nginx.access-1.11.0.

Step 2: Double click edit tab logs-nginx.access-1.11.0.: . Go click Dupicate this prossessor for clone tab Grok

Step3: Finally, I update field text on grok patterns include have field response time (%{NUMBER:request_time})

Ok and here is the result:

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