How do I apply Date Range filter?

I am using Kibana to filter out the date between specific date range. I have the data in following format.

"_index": "xyz",
"_type": "logs",
"_score": 1,
"source": {
"log_timestamp": "9/12/2016 7:59:06 AM",
"@timestamp": "2016-09-12T14:59:06.000Z",
"hour": "14",
": "9/12/2016",
"weekday": "Mon",
"just_date": "2016-9-12",
"date_time": "2016-9-12",

I want to filter out the logs between September 2015, 21 09:00 AM to September 2015, 23 10:00 PM.

How do I manipulate data format or fields so that I can apply Date Range filter provided in Kibana to filter out the logs between above given date time range.

Also do we require any additional Sub-bracket to be applied or just adding a Date Range filter will do the work?

The Date Range aggregation doesn't work that way. It's used to break your data apart by dates, not to "filter" the dates out of the dataset.

I believe you put JSON in the query bar to do what you need though. The data there would be queried like so:

"query": {
  "filtered": {
    "query": {
      <JSON HERE>

You can read more about the query syntax in the Elasticsearch docs.

You could probably also create a filter that you can edit to exclude that range, again, using the query syntax.