How does knn affects the score?


I saw that knn cannot be used in the _explain API in Kibana and wondered why.

I've seen that Reciprocal Ranking Fusion and Convex Combination both allow to compute a result from a classical query score and a knn match, but how can this be checked ? I'd love to see knn usable in the explain API to understand better.

Thank you,

Hello, would anyone know something about the matter ?

  • is it planned in the roadmap to add knn explainability in the explain api ?
  • is there some ressource or blog post I could find on the topic?
    Thank you,

@Yoann_Buzenet ,

knn is supported in explain already. You can just use the knn query if you are using the explain API. As for explain: true in the search request, it should tell you the individual vector score and if it was in the top-k or not for that query.