How does Logstash handle multiple pipeline files?

I've tried looking in the documentation and Googling for this, but I couldn't find any answer. I'm unclear about how Logstash handles these. I know there is a /etc/logstash/conf.d/ directory which you can put your pipeline configuration files in. I'm kind of confused about how this works, especially in relation to the multiple pipelines feature.

  • By default, if I add a my-pipeline.conf file to conf.d then logstash will see it and run it, correct?
  • If there are multiple *.conf files in conf.d then Logstash will concatenate them and process them as one config file with conditional statements, right?
  • How does Logstash handle *.conf files in conf.d if it sees there is a /etc/logstash/pipelines.yml file? Will all of the pipelines in conf.d still run? Or only the pipelines defined in pipelines.yml?

By default, if I add a my-pipeline.conf file to conf.d then logstash will see it and run it, correct?


If there are multiple *.conf files in conf.d then Logstash will concatenate them and process them as one config file with conditional statements, right?


How does Logstash handle *.conf files in conf.d if it sees there is a /etc/logstash/pipelines.yml file? Will all of the pipelines in conf.d still run? Or only the pipelines defined in pipelines.yml?

Not sure.

So for the last question, is it standard practice to not put your pipeline files in conf.d when using pipelines.yml? If so, where do you normally put them?

When I opened the sample pipelines.yml, I saw that each pipeline can use a path.config property where you store the path of your actual config. So you can still leave your existing configs in /etc/conf.d and reference them in pipelines.yml.
Or if your configs are really one-liners, you can store them inside pipelines.yml, using the config.string property.

Hope this helps

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