How to add a field with description for a specific Windows Event ID?

I need to add some fields and descriptions for a Windows Event ID.
For example, for winlog.event_id = 1111 create a field named rule.description: Our descroption

Thank you for your help!

You could use the add_fields processor with a when condition.

  - add_fields:
      when.equals.winlog.event_id: 1111
      target: rule
        description: Our description

Thanks for your help
Unfortunately, it seems that winlogbeat does not add the field. I don't see it in Kibana

Please share the configuration that you are using. Surround it with three backticks before and after to preserve the formatting/spacing.

Actually it was a formatting/spacing issue, I didn't know that spacing is very important for winlogbeat!
It works now.
Thank you very much andrew for your help :+1:

Another question please:
If I have more when statement: if event id = 1111 then add field description= test-1111, if event id = 2222 then add field description = test-2222...., I have to create more processors or I can just use 1 processors with more when statements?

  - add_fields:
      when.equals.winlog.event_id: 1111
      target: rule
        id: 1111
        description: User Disabled       
      when.equals.winlog.event_id: 2222
      target: rule
        id: 2222
        description: User enabled`

I want to put a specific id and description for some event IDs, is this the correct way to do it?

Thank you for your help

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