How to assign the json values to fields

hi my log message looks like this

{"applicationName":test, "FlowName":test, "key":"EmpID", "Value":"E103", "Domain": 0,"hostname":localhost,"cluster":, "LogStatus":"InProcess", "CurrentPayload":"E103", "FlowID":null, "LogMessage":"Retrieving User Details" }

I am trying to extract all the details of the values and assign them to fields

Desired output example :- applicationName(Field) : test

my config file looks like this

input {
stomp {
host => ""
destination => "test"

filter {
source => "message"

split {
    field => "message"

     mutate {
            add_field => {
                    "applicationName" => "%{[message][applicationName]}"
                    "FlowName" => "%{[message][FlowName]}"
                    "key" => "%{[message][key]}"
                    "Value" => "%{[message][Value]}"
                    "Domain" => "%{[message][Domain]}"
                    "hostname" => "%{[message][hostname]}"
                    "cluster" => "%{[message][cluster]}"
                    "LogStatus" => "%{[message][LogStatus]}"
                    "CurrentPayload" => "%{[message][CurrentPayload]}"
                    "FlowID" => "%{[message][FlowID]}"
                    "LogMessage" => "%{[message][LogMessage]}"


remove_field => [ "[message]" ]
output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
hosts => "localhost:9200"
manage_template => false
index => "activemq-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
document_type => "%{[@metadata][type]}"

appreciate any help I can get on this. thankyou

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