What's going on with my Elasticsearch in my app?
My app is RoR and deployed to Heroku.
I get this error:
Faraday::ConnectionFailed (Failed to open TCP connection to localhost:9200 (Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 9200))
And I try to access my FOUNDELASTICSEARCH_URL, which is https://b71aa900c1f5dfc08438f9e72d1b4163.eu-west-1.aws.found.io/
... I'm being asked for login.
I then try to login with my Elasticsearch login info, but the login box just appears again.
Then I click 'Cancel' and met by the JSON which you see in the image in the link below. "unable to authenticate user for REST request [/]""
Also I saw in other topics that I have to visit https://discuss.elastic.co/t/now-live-new-elastic-cloud-standard-support/84161 to find the answer.
But when I visit that URL, I get this error: "
Sorry, you don't have access to that topic!"
What's really going on here?
Thank you
- Jonas