How to combine 2 indexes in 1 graph


We have 2 indexes called lodging_index and price_index. The relation is lodgings has many prices. In the price_index there is a field called lodging_id. We use this indexes in our api for frontend purpose. First call to our API/lodging to fetch the available lodgings and then second call (available ids/lodgings) to calculate the price (total).

This works fine and fast. Now we want to make stats in Kibana. Can we combine the indexes in 1 graph with the lodging_id field?

Best remco

Hi @remco_zwaan,
i think you can solve you problem renaming the two indices with the same prefix, for example:

Then you create a data view with the prefix index
After creating the data view you can creare all the lens in Kibana.

To rename the indices you can use the reindex operation

Hope i helped, tell me if you need more help

hi Samuele,

do you mean thsi

POST /_aliases
  "actions": [
      "add": {
        "index": "new_index",
        "alias": "new_index_alias"
      "add": {
        "index": "old_index",
        "alias": "new_index_alias"

I didn't mean that but i think this can be a valuable alternative. Try and let me know.

The one i was talking about is that one:

POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "my-index-000001"
  "dest": {
    "index": "my-new-index-000001"

Let me know

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