How to configure ILM hot phase, when cluster has only warm nodes


Elasticsearch version: 8.1.2
It has 4 warm nodes(no hot nodes).
I want to configure ILM policy in this cluster.

So, how can configure hot-warm ILM policy in Elastic cluster which has only warm node.

Thank you...!

You can't. A hot-warm architecture implies that you have different sets of nodes within the cluster that you move data between as indices ages. This does not apply to a cluster with data nodes of a single type. You can however use ILM to take actions on the index at different stages (hot/warm/cold) without relocating the data and then eventually delete it.

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Thank you for quick response.
I don't want relocating the data. But I want to ILM to perform rollover after one day age or maximum primary shard size is 25GB. Finally delete the data after some days.

Can I create ILM policy to perform above actions in this cluster.

Thank you..!

Yes, you can most certainly do that. You will then just have a hot phase (this is the first phase) followed by a delete. If you after some time wanted to do something to your indices once they are no longer indexed into, you could define a warm phase but not relocate any data (let all nodes have all roles, which is the default).

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