How to create an index_2 containing Index_1's aggregations results as fields?

How to create an index_2 containing Index_1's aggregations results as fields ?

Is it possible to use a command like this on kibana dev tools ?

PUT /index_2/doc_aggs_results_of_index1
field_aggs1: ...
field_aggs2: ...

For example:
Index_1 contains:
name : Superman
city: New-York
date: 01-05-2015
name : Batman
city: Los Angeles
date: 22-07-2018
name : Superman
city: Sidney
date: 12-10-2017
name : Batman
city: Paris
date: 17-02-2018

And I'd like to create index that aggregates or queries on index_1 to make index_2 :

Index_2 contains:
name: Superman,
cities: [
city: New-York,
date: 01-05-2015
city: Sidney,
date: 12-10-2017

name: Batman,
cities: [
city: Los Angeles,
date: 22-07-2018
city: Paris,
date: 17-02-2018

Hi, maybe dataframe transforms can help you with this:

It could have worked but unfortunatelly it seems that it only takes metric aggregations

Ah, I see. In this case you probably have to solve it outside of Elasticsearch- writing a script which executes the aggregation and feeds back the result into a separate index.

Maybe someone else can come up with a better solution. As this isn’t Kibana specific, it probably makes sense to repost this question in the Elasticsearch category.

This is not correct, transform supports other aggs as well, with scripted_metric - despite metric in the name - allows custom code which opens a lot of use cases.

We are expanding the list of supported aggs with every release. Which aggregations do you need?

I need terms aggregation but the dev tools manager answers to me:

"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "status_exception",
"reason": "Unsupported aggregation type [terms]"

thanks, we already have an enhancement request for terms.

In case its a small and known set of terms you can use a filter aggregation in the upcoming 7.7, see this example.

As already pointed out, with scripted_metric you could create a HashSet to map/reduce a terms frequency list.

I can not say when terms support in pivot will be available, but as this is a top ask: hopefully soon.

Filter doesn't adress my issue because it works by mentionning a specific field value, but I need to gather docs by field name.

For bucketing you use group_by, which supports grouping by term. For the collapsing part you can use a scripted_metric.

Here is an example configuration. The only thing missing according to your start post is dropping the field name.

POST _transform/_preview
  "source": {
    "index": "index-1"
  "dest" : { 
    "index" : "index-2"
  "pivot": {
    "group_by": {  
      "clientip": { "terms": { "field": "name" } }
  "aggregations": {
    "all_docs": {
      "scripted_metric": {
        "init_script": " = []",
        "map_script": " HashMap(params['_source']))",
        "combine_script": "return",
        "reduce_script": "def docs = []; for (s in states) {for (d in s) { docs.add(d);}}return docs"

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