How to create node using host IPAddress using java library?


I'm install elastic search 0.16.2 on Debian Linux.I want to connect
elastic server which is install Debian machine. previously I install
elastic server in my machine.for creating node i used following code:

Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
Node node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder()

Note: “local”meaning that local servers started within the same JVM
will discover themselves and form a cluster.

Linux box IPAddress where elastic server is
install.where I mention to connect Linux box elastic search using
java ?


If you want to connect to a remote node / cluster, then you should not use
"local". What it means is that a cluster will be formed from the nodes
started within the same JVM, but thats it.

You can either start a Node client or a transport client, that will connect
to the remote node / cluster. Explained here:
Elasticsearch Platform — Find real-time answers at scale | Elastic.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:14 AM, sam wrote:


I'm install Elasticsearch 0.16.2 on Debian Linux.I want to connect
elastic server which is install Debian machine. previously I install
elastic server in my machine.for creating node i used following code:

Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
Node node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder()

Note: “local”meaning that local servers started within the same JVM
will discover themselves and form a cluster.

Linux box IPAddress where elastic server is
install.where I mention to connect Linux box Elasticsearch using
java ?
