How to create Sub categories in Data table?

I have generated a data table using the Kibana 8 lens visualization, but I'm uncertain about adding subcategories to it. Specifically, after including the necessary columns, I aim to further segment the data from the second row onward into distinct categories. Within the 'cnames' field, there is a list of values like 'canpar,' 'Puro,' and 'UPS.' I have attached an image displaying the current table output on the left and the desired output on the right.

Could you please advise on how to accomplish this?

Hello @Shubhankar,

Welcome to the community!

Just to make sure I understand correctly. I see that by comparing one table with the other (expected output), you have the 'carrier' column instead of the 'ship from/to' columns.

Does the 'carrier' field contain values like 'canpar,' 'Puro,' and 'UPS,' and do you want to split the data table by this term? Or do you want a new table with these subcategories?

Have you tried adding a bucket to split rows with a terms aggregation?

Yes, the carrier field has values like Canpar, Puro, UPS. I have created a table based on ship from and ship to data. Now further I want to divide by carrier too. Below is screenshot, please check. As you can see the first row is based on the From Province and To province from second row it is further divided based on the carriers. Once done then again it show from another From province and to province and then divide that into carrier wise.

Are you looking for something similar to this?

But this depends on the version you are using.

Those two examples are different. What I am expecting is for eg ON to ON the volume is 14506 as i shared in the first screenshot. This volume consist of all the carriers. Now I want to further byfurcate by carriers for eg, Total volume is 14506 out of this lets assume Canpar has 10000, Puro as 4000, UPS has 400. I am using Kibana 8.12

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