How to export everything in kibana 4.0.2 version dashboards


We are currently lookinng to export visualization/dashboards from kibana 4.0.2, we found that there is no such option in version 4.0.2. We are planning to upgrade to ES 2.3.3 for which we have to upgrade kibana as well. migration plugin says red critical error for .kibana index. How can i backup everything from kibana ui and .kibana?

Correct, there is no way to export objects in Kibana 4.0.2.

Can you tell us what the errors being reported about .kibana by the migration plugin are? We might be able to recommend some fixes.

You could try using a tool like Elasticdump to dump the contents of .kibana. Then, after making any necessary changes for the migration, you can try to load them up on a test/POC cluster running ES 2.3.3. Once that succeeds, you can load them up in your production ES 2.3.3 cluster.

Hi Shaunak,

Thanks for the response, we have seen the error related to version conflicts related to versions on dashboard and search tables in .kibana. I have fixed this issue by doing below steps.

  1. start kibana version 4.1.X on new port on the same instance which has the feature to export everything rlated to dashboards.
  2. took export of the dashboard in form of a json file populated
  3. stopped the existing version of kibana 4.0.2
  4. upgraded ES cluster (3 node)
  5. removed .kibana index at file level and started ES
  6. import the json file

I guess we can even update the mappings of version on dashboard and search. the datatypes are int and long which was creating conflicts. anyways i followed the above approach and issue is fixed for me. I was able to recover all the searches/dashboards/visualizations.


Wonderful to hear that you got it working! Thanks for writing back with details so other readers in a similar situation could benefit as well. :heart: