In relational db our data looks like this: Company -> Department -> Office
Elasticsearch version of the same data (flattened):
"officeID": 123,
"officeName": "office 1",
"state": "CA",
"department": {
"departmentID": 456,
"departmentName": "Department 1",
"company": {
"companyID": 789,
"companyName": "Company 1",
"officeID": 124,
"officeName": "office 2",
"state": "CA",
"department": {
"departmentID": 456,
"departmentName": "Department 1",
"company": {
"companyID": 789,
"companyName": "Company 1",
We need to find department (or company) by providing office information (such as state).
For example, since all I need is a department info, I can specify it like this (we are using Nest)
searchDescriptor = searchDescriptor.Source(x => x.Include("department"));
and get all departments with qualifying offices.
The problem is - I am getting multiple "department" records with the same id (one for each office).
We are using paging and sorting.
Would it be possible to get paged and sorted Distinct results?
I have spent a few days trying to find an answer (exploring options like facets, aggregations, top_hits etc) but so far the only working option I see would be a manual one - get results from Elasticsearch, group data manually and pass to the client.
The problem with this approach is obvious - every time I grab next portion, I'll have to get X extra records just in case some of the records will be duplicate; since I don't know X in advance (and number of such records could be huge) will be forced either to get lots of data unnecessarily (every time I do the search) or to hit our search engine several times until I get required number of records.
So far I was unable to achieve my goal using aggregations (all I am getting is document count, but I want actual data; when I try to use top_hits, I am getting data, but those are really top hits (sorted by number of offices per department, ignoring sorting I have specified in the query); here is an example of the code I tried:
searchDescriptor = searchDescriptor.Aggregations(a => a
t =>
.Sort(k => k.OnField("department.departmentName").Ascending())
Does anyone know if Elasticsearch can perform operations like Distinct and get unique records?