How to get local time zone in painless field

int year = doc['timestamp'].value.year;
int month = doc['timestamp'].value.monthOfYear;
int day = doc['timestamp'].value.dayOfMonth;
int hour = doc['timestamp'].value.hourOfDay;
int minutes = doc['timestamp'].value.minuteOfHour;
int seconds = doc['timestamp'].value.secondOfMinute;
int nanos = 0;
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, nanos, ZoneId.of('Asia/Kolkata'));
return zdt;

Hello Everyone,
I have facing issues with this assignment . In the script mentioned above I need to get zdt on the basis of "Dynamic Local time zone" instead of Asia/Kolkata. Can you help me with this?

You cannot get local time from the browser from Painless.

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