How to Identify the list of fields in all Dashboard & Visualizations?

We are fetching the data by connecting with the Source system and ingesting data into Elastic Search then the data gets visualized into multiple panel / visualization.

Reason for Evaluation:
We have graphQL endpoint to connect with our source system and storing data into Elasticsearch which is having lots of unused fields across all visualization.

We are planning to exclude the fields which are not used across all the Panels / Visualization / Dashboard. Keeping only necessary fields to fetch and store into Elasticsearch.

Currently, we just started this activity MANUALLY by opening

Dashboard (x) -> Visualization (x) -> Collecting the fields present in Search / X axis / Y axis / etc.,

Is there any way to identify the used fields across all the Dashboard + Panels + Visualizations + etc., like Dev Tools or any other shortcuts ?

Hi @Manoilayans ,

I believe there is no easy way to get all the fields used on dashboard for multiple visualisations that covers all the different use cases.

But as a starting pointing I would inspect in browser /internal/data_views/fields API call that is called on loading dashboard. Response should contain indexes and fields that will be used to build queries for panels.

Best regards, Dima

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Pls share a reference screenshot.. I will refer and verify

Here is a Chrome screenshot, search for GET internal/data_views/fields and check response:

Thank you, I can able to get the fields for the index. Unfortunately, it is showing all the fields which are part of the index irrespective of which are really used in the Dashboard visualizations.

I am still continuing with manual activity to get the field list used in the visualization.

If any other possible way, Pls help me !

I've opened this feature request you can track, which would enable to extract the used fields list from a Lens visualization (within dashboard): [Dashboard][Lens] Provide API to collect all generate queries from each panels · Issue #186500 · elastic/kibana · GitHub