How to install and import @kbn/es-query

Hi There,

My project is using elastic search as the back-end service provider to do the searching, and for UI, we would like to leverage kibana by developing a new UI project and migrate some powerful components from kibana, such as filter bar, which relies on @kbn/es-query, so I need to import this module into my project.

but I cann't npm install @kbn/es-query successfully, since this module is not in npm registry. please advice.


The package is here and there are instructions on how it can be use in the readme. But it's not available on npm.

Hi Marius,

Thanks for your replying.

The instruction shows how to import them in kibana project or kibana plugins, but if I would like to use them into other UI projects, do you have any suggestion for me on how to use them better? Thanks!

I don't think that's possible for now, it's not tested or accounted for when creating es-query.

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