How to manage different paths for different hosts


Im working on to install filebeat in multiple hosts via ansible.

In my case, the log paths are different for each hosts.

So i would like to know how to create a common filebeat config with different paths for different hosts?

You can mention multiple logs from multiple path like below mentioned method :

[quote="rijinmp, post:2, topic:154584, full:true"]
You can mention multiple logs from multiple path like below mentioned method :

- type: log
- /var/log/messages
- /var/log/*.log

For More details , Please refer this link

Thank you rijinmp for the help.

My question is like:

lets say i have three hosts:


and my file beat config file has the following paths:


  • /var/log/xyz/host1/*log
  • /var/log/abc/host2/*log
  • /var/log/klm/host3/*log

The thing im trying to understand is when i install beats through ansible, it will copy my config file to all hosts which will contain these three paths.
And when in host1 file beat crawls to /var/log/xyz/host1/*log and it will find the log being available.
What will happen when it tries to search for /var/log/abc/host2/*log and /var/log/klm/host3/*log in host1 and it doesnt find the location/path/log being not available? Will it cause any error for the file beat handler in host 1?

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