How to map between extracted fields

Hello, I am extracting info from logfiles, but I want to map them together for aggregations, here's a sample logfile:

2017-01-01 07:53:44 [] INFO: Crawled iteration for merchant ariika started
2017-01-01 07:53:44 [] INFO: UpdateCrawlIteration._start_crawl_iteration function took 0.127 s
2017-01-01 07:57:22 [] INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats:
{'item_scraped_count': 22,
 'invalid_items_count': 84}

I am extracting the merchant name from the first line ariika and items_scraped_counts, invalid_items_count from the last two lines, I have different logfiles for each merchant, and I want to know items scraped count per logfile for each merchant using Kibana.

How to filter between one merchant and another in my case?

Should I save each merchant logfiles in a separate elasticseach _type? I am using one index for all logfiles.

Have you looked using the aggregate filter?

Should I save each merchant logfiles in a separate elasticseach _type?

Probably not, but it depends.

No, I didn't, will take a look.

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