How to monitor core usage metrics on Oracle 19c when multiple SIDs on a host

I have a delima on how to approach monitoring some key usage based metrics on a Oracle Database server where multiple SIDs reside.
We use elastic cloud, version at 8.6, currently just using fleet managed elastic agents.
There is an Oracle integration however those docs state environment variables must be in place for Oracle SID and Oracle Home which seems to indicate they are expecting 1 SID to be in use per host.

Oracle integration seems to rely on instaclient libraries as well.
Also see metricbeat has a sql feature where you can run a query against a database

Was wondering if I could just create a docker image with both Oracle instaclient and either metricbeat or elastic agent and create a monitoring instance per monitored SID.
Really just interested in things like tablespace so it might be easier to just write something to do that but curious how others may have approached the issue.

It is not mandatory that you have to set the environment variable ORACLE_SID. The latest version of Oracle integration supports additional Oracle DSN formats, using which you can connect to multiple databases

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