Use slow log, I can find the index result when error occur.
PUT /xxx/_settings
"index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.warn": "0s",
"": "0s",
"index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.debug": "0s",
"index.indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.trace": "0ms",
"index.indexing.slowlog.source": "1000"
But it only show index result, no other informations ,like client source host ...
[2021-10-20T20:34:42,093][WARN ][index.indexing.slowlog.index] [xxxx] [yyyyy/zzzz] took[862.6micros], took_millis[0], type[yyyyy], id[
I want known who write this specify index with specify doc id.
Because I have many services write same index into ES cluster in same time.
Can you give me some suggestions?