How to parse single line for different outputs


Does somebody know how to parse single line from a file and parse it for different outputs? For example: input is a log file, outputs are elasticsearch indices with different templates. I need to parse every line and save it into the first index and some of files which has a promo code (like "?promo=wteaewfsthser") I need to put to another index. I think it's possible to use two logstash instances (correct me if I'm wrong please). But I want to know is it possible to use single instance of logstash and one configuration file?


You probably want

ie you create your grok pattern, and then if an event contains [list of things you want], then send to output A and B!

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your response, but the problem within the document structure. For the output A I need IP, Date, HTTP Method, Request, Response code, Referrer. For the output B I need only Date, Referrer, and Promo.


Ahh ok.

Then you probably want to clone the initial event and then do your manipulation to it, tag it separately and then use conditionals.

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Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for!!! Thanks a log Mark.:+1:

Hi Mark,

I found that the clone filter is what I needed. But also I found that I cannot use conditions to determine either event is original or cloned. Here's my configuration file:

input {
    file {
        path => "access.log"
        start_position => beginning
filter {
    clone {
        clones => ["cloned"]
    if "cloned" == type {
        mutate {
            add_tag => ["cloned"]
output {
    stdout {codec => json}

The tag cloned will not be added to any event. Do you know any solution? Or maybe the configuration is incorrect? I use Logstash 1.4.5.


Try putting the add tag in the clone section -

yes, i've tried but still the same result. Also I've tried to put new field. No success.

I think the docs imply that the array in the above needs to be the type of the origin event.

Try adding tags => [ "cloned" ] to the input?

now event not cloned