How to perform calculation for the unique count document in kibana?


Is there any possibility to do the calculation for the unique count document in kibana?


Yes, there's a unique count metric aggregation in Kibana visualizations.


Hi @LeeDr, thanks for replying.

Kindly advise on the method to achieve the condition as below:

I have a field "test" which consists of 'G','P' and 'N'. I would like to obtain the unique count of timestamp for this field (figure below) then do the calculation: ('G'+'P')/('G'+'P'+'N').
Is this possible to achieve?
Thank you.

I'm back from vacation. If you haven't solved this yet I can try to help. The only visualization that lets you do calculations like that is the "Visual Builder", also known as Time Series Visual Builder or TSVB for short.

There's a bunch of Discuss posts about visual builder doing ratios of values. Here's the search results;

Please let me know if you need help.


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