How to plot a time field on the y-axis of a date histogram?

I currently have the completion time for a date field showing as

end_time Apr 30, 2024 @ 05:37:25.908

Is there a way to convert this field to show time only (05:37:25.908) and plot this data on the y-axis of a date histogram in the time format (hh:mm:ss.nnn)?

Hi @JamesBoustead

what version of the stack are you using?
In 8.10 Lens introduced the duration formatter: [Lens] Introduce new duration formatter by dej611 · Pull Request #162246 · elastic/kibana · GitHub

Hey @Marco_Liberati

Thanks for getting back on this.

We're on a really old version so haven't got the full lens capability now, but we do have an upgrade to the latest version scheduled in the near future so this is really helpful.

Can this be formatted to show the time of day on a 24-hour clock on the y-axis...

Say we have a field for 'completion_time' that show the time of day a job completes, is it possible to see the historical completion time for this over the past 30 days with the y-axis showing the completion time in the 24 hour clock format?