How to prevent assumed time in Date only fields?

We are having trouble with Kibana presenting the wrong dates to our users as its doing background UTC conversions that we do not want to have happen as this then presents invalid dashboard results to users in multiple time zones. We are seeing {Date-1} values which is not matching against what is collected and stored in Elastic Search JSON as {Date}.

We have tried several index mapping definitions.
"date1" : { "type" : "date","format":"strict_date"},
"date2" : { "type" : "date","format":"basic_date"},

Our JSON values we tried are in "yyyy-MM-dd" or "yyyyMMdd" format as per the ES API expectation of value format.

We have other index fields for date time, and the UTC to browser conversion, makes sense in those situations, but not for situations where date is provided.

So we don't understand the assumption of time interpretation by Kibana when none is provided and recalculating results. Is there a way to prevent this assumption of time by Kibana for only date fields?

That's a great question @cbcb. We don't currently have a way to handle basic dates in Kibana. I went searching for existing Github issues but I was surprised to come up empty handed. Would you mind filing an enhancement request describing your usecase?

Thanks for looking into this Matt and confirming that there is nothing out there.

I did follow your recommendation and create an issue in github. Not sure if I can define label as enhancement, but at least its posted for a mediator to assign correct path, if I don't have permission.

Thanks much @cbcb, I've labeled the issue and assigned it to the proper functional area.

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