Hi, when i try to process .Json data via kibana:
my json file:
"object_pk": "XX",
"datetime": "XXXX-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.XXX",
"jsonContent": {
"rcp": "",
"creation": 6354635765254,
"examensComplementaires": "",
"modification": 4657524575,
"patient": {
"temporaire": false,
"ipp": "XXXXXXX",
"adresse": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"caisselibelle": "XXXXXXX",
"caissenum": "XXXXXXXX",
"ville": "XXXXXXXXX",
"infobe": "",
"naissanceVille": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"prenom": "XX",
"mutuelle": "X X",
"photoFileName": "",
"nomUsuel": "X",
"age": "X ans ",
"medtraitantprenom": "X X",
"naissanceDate": 4545454545454,
"decesDate": null,
"numss": "XX",
"nomNaissance": "XX",
"medtraitantnom": "XX",
"nomComplet": "XX (née XX) XX XX",
"administratif": {
"situationFamilliale": "",
"mail": "",
"correspondants": [],
"personneAPrevenir": "",
"profession": "",
"telPro": "",
"personneConfiance": "",
"telPortable": "",
"situationFamillialeSexuee": "",
"mesureProtectionComplement": "",
"id": 4545454,
"miseAJour": 454545454,
"modeDeVie": "",
"mesureProtection": "",
"pk": 4545454,
"autreInfo": ""
"medtraitantville": "X X",
"email": "",
"codePostal": "X",
"naissanceCodePostal": "X",
"insc": "X X",
"sexe": "F",
"epk": "X==",
"telephone": "XX XX XX XX XX",
"pk": "X"
"historiqueMaladie": "",
"auteur": {
"groupes": [
"ordreTransmission": "X",
"enteteMail": "",
"imprimante": "X",
"libelleCourt": "X",
"libelle": "X X X X",
"test": false,
"accesSynthese": true,
"planDeSoinsFin": 998989898,
"id": 5454545454,
"dim": false,
"delaiAccesTransmissionFutur": 454545454,
"planDeSoinsDepart": 545454,
"modeDegrade": false,
"modificationObservationAuteurUniquement": false,
"autoriseDelegation": false,
"mailExpediteur": "truc_machin@machin.truc",
"feuilleDePoche": false,
"site": "XXX",
"delaiModificationObservation": 545454,
"adresseMailScanner": "truc_machin@machin.truc",
"dureeDeVieDesDocuments": 5454,
"codeModeleIteration": "XX",
"imprimanteDeSecours": "X",
"codeModeleSynthese": "X",
"accesDocumentsConfidentiels": false,
"accesAgenda": true,
"accesPrescription": false,
"agendasMultiplesPourConsultant": false,
"bloc": false,
"codeModeleObservation": "X",
"pk": 454545454
"nomCompletFormate": "XX XX XX",
"nomCompletAbrege": "XXXX",
"rpps": "",
"nom": "X",
"nomComplet": "X X",
"prenom": "X",
"derniereConnexionAdresseIP": "XX.XX.XX.XX",
"groupeParDefaut": {
"delaiAccesTransmissionFutur": 4545454,
"planDeSoinsDepart": -1,
"modeDegrade": false,
"modificationObservationAuteurUniquement": false,
"autoriseDelegation": false,
"mailExpediteur": "truc_machin@machin.truc",
"feuilleDePoche": false,
"site": "AVR",
"delaiModificationObservation": 0,
"adresseMailScanner": "truc_machin@machin.truc",
"dureeDeVieDesDocuments": 30,
"pk": 4654654654
"derniereConnexionDate": 54654654654,
"role": {
"id": 545445,
"libelleCourt": "XX",
"libelle": "XX",
"metier": "XX",
"pk": 546546
"civilite": "XX",
"purgeGroupeEffectuee": false,
"matricule": "XXXXXXX",
"pk": "XXXXXXXX"
"pk": 54687654
and I have this error:
and this in the discover tab
By the way my range time is from the first of january to today so guess it's enough.
The weird part is, when i try with this json file:
it works.
And i try with the code on one ligne fashion but this error popout:
So if you have any answer...
Have a nice day.