I have to give access to more than 500 users and 50 Active directory groups in Workplace search to be able to search data indexes from Network drive.
I am able to do this using identitiy_mappings.csv file. Detail of what I did was at How to add user / group permission to search Workplace Search using Network data connector as data source
The issue with this method is: I have to add more than 500 users SID there plus adding group SIDs and user names for each group.
People can be moved from group or user access can be revoked at any time so the batch process should work all the time to update identitiy_mappings.csv file with mass of data which is not scalable.
Can I give to mass of user and group using the role mapping? I tried to do this by adding a new Role mapping but was not successful.
My question is:
Can I use Role mapping and bypass identitiy_mappings.csv file?
If so I added below:
External attribute : email
Attribute value: *@aaa.com
Role: user
Group Access: Default
Can anybody define the steps on how to do this? Simple example using *@aaa.com is great.
Is there any other way to do this?
Hi @aldol ,
It's my understanding that you currently have an official support ticket open with these same questions. Let's keep the conversation going with Support, rather than here, since they are subject to an SLA and will provide more comprehensive help. When your issue is resolved, we can post the solution here for longevity.
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