How to put the value of {{ctx.payload.aggregations.bucketAgg.buckets}} into Watcher body


I have a watcher created and below is a part of the code. I am trying to parse the result of the "script" from the "perc_change" bucket in {{ctx.payload.aggregations.bucketAgg.buckets}} to compare it and based on that compare have an email action setup. But I am unable to parse the result of "script". How can I do that and what am I missing in my condition compare ?

                      "bucket_script": {
                        "buckets_path": {
                          "var1": "count_deriv",
                        "script": "params.var1 / (params.var2 - params.var1) * 100"
  "condition" : {
    "compare": {
      "ctx.payload.aggregations.perc_change.buckets" : { "lt" : 0 }

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