I have k8s 1.17.4 and helm 2.16.5 installed in my Data Center (on premise k8s) and I intent to install elasticsearch and kibana on k8s.
I setup ES with the following commands.
cd elasticsearch/examples/security
make secrets
$ make install
and setup Kibana with these commands
cd kibana/examples/security
make secrets
$ make install
Installation works perfectly and I can see pods, services and nodePort all working. But when I access it via browser, I got https cert issue.
Here is the challenge I am facing is that the cert generated has a friendly name = "security-master"
$ cd elasticsearch/examples/security ;make secrets
And my k8s host is something else.
Do I need to change the friendly name to match my k8s host name since I use NodePort to export the service?
How do I generate SSL cert for Kibana?