How to remove completely

I am running a Elasticsearch 7.2 version and I had a property defined in my Elasticsearch.yml file that is - [IP1, IP2....]
but obviously when I read the documentation I see that this property is not supported any more starting elasticsearch7.x and have been replaced with discovery.seed_hosts:[IP1, IP2] so I did that change today and restarted the nodes and the cluster came up green in health with no problems however when I hit cluster settings API that is -
I have commented the completely and only has discovery.seed_hosts in my Elasticsearch.yml
I still the ZEN property nested inside discovery ( on 4/5th line below response from cluster setting api ) so I wanted to know how can I completly remove zen or what am I doing wrong here, sorry I am new to ES so maybe you guys notice anything or should be able to help me out. Thanks in advance!! "discovery" : {
"seed_hosts" : [
"unconfigured_bootstrap_timeout" : "3s",
"request_peers_timeout" : "3000ms",
"zen" : {
"commit_timeout" : "30s",
"no_master_block" : "write",
"join_retry_delay" : "100ms",
"join_retry_attempts" : "3",
"ping" : {
"unicast" : {
"concurrent_connects" : "10",
"hosts" : [ ],
"hosts.resolve_timeout" : "5s"
"master_election" : {
"ignore_non_master_pings" : "false",
"wait_for_joins_timeout" : "30000ms"
"send_leave_request" : "true",
"ping_timeout" : "3s",
"bwc_ping_timeout" : "3s",
"join_timeout" : "60000ms",
"publish_diff" : {
"enable" : "true"
"publish" : {
"max_pending_cluster_states" : "25"
"minimum_master_nodes" : "-1",
"unsafe_rolling_upgrades_enabled" : "true",
"hosts_provider" : [ ],
"publish_timeout" : "30s",
"fd" : {
"connect_on_network_disconnect" : "false",
"ping_interval" : "1s",
"ping_retries" : "3",
"register_connection_listener" : "true",
"ping_timeout" : "30s"
"max_pings_from_another_master" : "3"
"initial_state_timeout" : "30s",
"cluster_formation_warning_timeout" : "10000ms",
"seed_providers" : [ ],
"type" : "zen",
"seed_resolver" : {
"max_concurrent_resolvers" : "10",
"timeout" : "5s"
"find_peers_interval" : "1000ms"

Elasticsearch 7.2 is EOL and no longer supported. Please upgrade ASAP.

(This is an automated response from your friendly Elastic bot. Please report this post if you have any suggestions or concerns :elasticheart: )

These settings are still there in 7.x for compatibility reasons. To remove them completely, upgrade to 8.x.

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