How to replace @timestamp in kibana?

filter {

mutate {

split => [message, ","]

add_field => {"Hostname" => "%{message[0]}"}

add_field => {"Metric-Name" => "%{message[1]}"}

convert => { "message[2]" => "integer" }

add_field => {"Metric_timestamp" => "%{message[2]}"}

convert => { "Metric_timestamp" => "integer" }

add_field => {"Metric-value" => "%{message[3]}"}


date {

match => ["Metric_timestamp","ISO8601"]

timezone => "America/New_York"

target => "@timestamp"



I am using above format but it is not working and my data is in text file which is in below format

I am getting "Metric_timestamp" this field as string. either i need timestamp in date format or replace @timestamp.

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