How to return data from the document tree

Hello, I would like to ask you how to return data from the document tree. University => Faculty => Departments => Subjects => Annotation + syllabus. The document is stored in the ES "index": "university" => "fields": "Faculty" => "fields": "Departments" => "fields": "Subjects" => and syllabus and annotation. I search the annotation and syllabus, but I need to return the subject name (in híts). Can anyone help me. Thank you. Tom

 GET _search
   "_source": ["fakulta.katedra.predmet.sylabusAAnotaceProp.sylabusEN"],
    "query": {
        "bool": {
        "must": [{
              "query_string": {
                                "fields": ["fakulta.katedra.predmet.sylabusAAnotaceProp.anotaceEN", 
                                "query": "programming AND pascal"}
          "highlight": {
                  "pre_tags": [
                  "post_tags": [
           "fields": {
                  "body": {
                           "number_of_fragments": 1,
                           "fragment_size": 20
                     "fakulta.katedra.predmet.sylabusAAnotaceProp.sylabusEN": {},
                      "fakulta.katedra.predmet.sylabusAAnotaceProp.anotaceEN": {},
                      "fakulta.katedra.predmet.nazev": {}


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