Hi, hopefully someone can help me to sort out this question.
I have a custom lucene Similarity, it depends on a deep learning model that needs to analyze the current query string. In vanilla lucene that would be
Similarity similarity = new ABSimilarity("title", model, queryString)
QueryParser parser = new ABQueryParser("title", new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), model);
Query query = parser.parse(queryString);
TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, 10);
In elasticsearch I have it declared as a new similarity
indexModule.addSimilarity("ABSIMILARITY", (settings, version, scriptService) -> createSimilarity(settings, version, scriptService))
I tried then update the similarity settings on query time in my query builder at
protected Query doToQuery(QueryShardContext context) {
PerFieldSimilarityWrapper similarity = (PerFieldSimilarityWrapper)context.getSearchSimilarity();
NonNegativeScoresSimilarity nnSimilarity = (NonNegativeScoresSimilarity)similarity.get(field);
ABSimilarity abSimilarity = (ABSimilarity)nnSimilarity.getDelegate();
the problem is that I see that the similarity is always the same instance while i need a new instance to safely support parallelism.
How could I create a new similarity on query time?