How to visualize JSON array in Kibana

I have my application logs on ELK, where JSON API response looks like:

Response 1: 

      "rules" : [
        {"name" : "R1", "value" : "Y"},
        {"name" : "R2", "value" : "Y"},
        {"name" : "R3", "value" : "Y"}

Response 2: 

      "rules" : [
        {"name" : "R1", "value" : "N"},
        {"name" : "R2", "value" : "Y"},
        {"name" : "R3", "value" : "N"}

My API is actually running rules, and it return response of each rule in the form of Y (rule passed) and N (rule failed). For example, above Response 1 shows R1 R2 and R3 all passed, where in Response 2 R1 and R3 failed.

How do I plot the count of each rule with value 'Y' ?
Scripted Fields dont work since they return just one value, however here we have multiple Rule names?


Whenever you use objects inside of arrays, it doesn't really play well with Kibana. You'll have a lot more luck if you create a separate rules index, and index each of the objects inside rules separately. Then you'd easily be able to create a visualization like you've mentioned.

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