How to write a simple nested query for this case?

I have a place model that it has hours for week day as you see in below, Now I want to write a query to get places that open now (pass hour and minute as separate parameters to query), but don't know how to write a advanced nested query with json and not plugin framework.
Anyone can help me?

"_index" : "places",
"_type" : "place",
"_id" : "15a12fg690t81p",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"id" : "15a12fg690t81p",
"name" : "fast-food",
"hours" : [
"day" : 0,
"is_overnight" : false,
"start" : "08:00",
"end" : "22:00"
"day" : 1,
"is_overnight" : false,
"start" : "08:00",
"end" : "22:00"
"day" : 2,
"is_overnight" : false,
"start" : "08:00",
"end" : "22:00"
"day" : 3,
"is_overnight" : false,
"start" : "08:00",
"end" : "22:00"
"day" : 4,
"is_overnight" : false,
"start" : "08:00",
"end" : "22:00"
"day" : 5,
"is_overnight" : false,
"start" : "08:00",
"end" : "18:00"

We now have a range field type that is optimized for this use case.

// Setup index with new range field type
PUT test
  "settings": {
	"number_of_replicas": 0,
	"number_of_shards": 1
  "mappings": {
	"_doc": {
	  "properties": {
		"hours": {
		  "type": "nested",
		  "properties": {
			"day": {
			  "type": "integer"
			"hours": {
			  "type": "double_range"

Add a doc (note use of decimals to express hours - maybe you'd prefer integers to express minuteOfDay)

// Add doc
POST test/_doc/1
  "id": "15a12fg690t81p",
  "name": "fast-food",
  "hours": [
	  "day": 0,
	  "is_overnight": false,
	  "hours": {
		"gte": "8",
		"lte": "22.5"
	  "day": 5,
	  "is_overnight": false,
	  "hours": {
		"gte": "8",
		"lte": "18"

Now search - need to use nested and regular term query that denotes a position somewhere in the time range,

POST test/_doc/_search
  "query": {
	"nested": {
	  "path": "hours",
	  "query": {
		"bool": {
		  "must": [
			  "match": {
				"": 5
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