Howto convert UNIX timestamp json field into ISO8601 format

I've allowed filebeat to parse a json log, but the Unix timestamp fields like this
"EdgeStartTimestamp": 1534732311104000000,
on Kibana is converted in this way
EdgeStartTimestamp 1,534,732,311,104,000,000.
instead of ISO8601.

Could someone help me to convert it in ISO8601 format?

Use a mutate filter to remove the last three digits from the number to turn the microseconds into milliseconds (use the gsub option), then feed the result to a date filter. Use the UNIX_MS date pattern.

Hi Magnus,
I've applied this filter

filter {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "host", "tags", "count", "source" ]
mutate {
gsub => ["EdgeStartTimestamp", "\d{6}$", ""]
date {
match => [ "EdgeStartTimestamp", "UNIX_MS" ]
target => "EdgeStartTime"

but the result was not what I expected:
|t EdgeStartTime| |48638255-11-25T05:53:19.872Z|
|# EdgeStartTimestamp| |1,534,812,939,553,999,872|

this is the json view on kibana:
"EdgeStartTimestamp": 1534812939554000000,
"ClientRequestMethod": "POST",
"EdgeEndTimestamp": 1534812939700000000,
"input_type": "log",
"WAFRuleID": "",
"EdgeStartTime": "48638255-11-25T05:53:19.872Z"

Where is my mistake?

It appears the gsub didn't work. Perhaps you need to convert the field into a string first?

Also, when you're removing the last six digits you're down to seconds so UNIX is the correct date pattern.

Yes, this is the trick.
The timestamp is in milliseconds so I've to use UNIX_MS

mutate {
    convert => { "EdgeStartTimestamp" => "string" }
    convert => { "EdgeEndTimestamp" => "string" }
mutate {
    gsub => ["EdgeStartTimestamp", "\d{6}$", ""]
    gsub => ["EdgeEndTimestamp", "\d{6}$", ""]
mutate {
    convert => { "EdgeStartTimestamp" => "integer" }
    convert => { "EdgeEndTimestamp" => "integer" }
date {
    match => [ "EdgeStartTimestamp", "UNIX_MS" ]
    target => "EdgeStartTime"
    remove_field => [ "EdgeStartTimestamp" ]
date {
    match => [ "EdgeEndTimestamp", "UNIX_MS" ]
    target => "EdgeEndTime"
    remove_field => [ "EdgeEndTimestamp" ]

Can be optimized this flow?
Thank you for your input.

The second conversion back to integer serves no purpose. Otherwise this is probably as good as it gets.

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