Http rest calls doesn't store Index

val json = "\"mappings\" : {\"search1\" : {\"_source\" : { \"enabled\" : true },\"properties\" : {\"field1\" : { \"type\" : \"string\", \"index\" : \"analyzed\" }}}}"
var nvp: List[NameValuePair] = Nil
nvp :+= new BasicNameValuePair("d", json)
val encodedStr = URLEncodedUtils.format(asJavaList(nvp), "UTF-8")
val address = props.get("host.address")
val client = new DefaultHttpClient()
val port = props.get("host.port")
val putMeth = new HttpPut(address+ ":"+port+"/test1?"+encodedStr)
val resp = client.execute(putMeth)

Can any one tell me whts wrong with this,
the response status line says 200 Ok , but when I do

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/jyoti/_search?pretty=true' -d '
"query" : {
"matchAll" : {}

Its not returning any results. pls help , its urgent.