I am unable to run Kibana 8.6.1 from browser

Hi Team,

I am unable to connect to kibana from browser. I have installed Kibana, 8.6.1 . I am getting
HTTP/1.1 302 Found when I do a curl on the URL from the VM , but unable to get response when I try to access from browser. Request for guidance to solve this one .

@vansh I had seen in the discussion board that you too faced a similar challenge . Can you please guide on how you resolved it . I tried incognito too .

Welcome to our community! :smiley:

Can you share the full curl and response please?

Thank you Mark for the welcome :slight_smile:

If I curl the from the VM where the service is running, I am getting the below message:

curl -v "https://dnsname/kibana/"

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /login?next=%2F
x-content-type-options: nosniff
referrer-policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
content-security-policy: script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; worker-src blob: 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'
Kbn-name: nameOfKibana
Kbn-license-sig: some serial number
X-envoy-upsteam-service-time: 9
Server: istio-envoy

Hey Mark , the above is the response I get on doing curl. Actually I am typing each line same as what output I saw when I ran the command on the VM

Are you using our ECK operator?

Yes . Using ECK operator. Operator version 2.6

Are there any changes required in the operator yaml ? Also, I am getting error connecting to fleet registry error in Kibana Logs. I am okay with even disabling my fleet. Is this causing an issue in opening kibana through browser ? Please suggest. Thank you in advance.

Please advise


I think you are using Istio? I'm definitely not an Isitio expert, but would it be possible to do a test bypassing the Envoy proxy? It would help to understand if you are facing a configuration issue with Envoy.
We have also an Istio recipe, it's not up to date, but I noticed there are some annotations to let the traffic flow between components, maybe that could help.

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