I can't get the S3 Snapshot Repository Plugin to work with MinIO

PUT _snapshot/MinIO
  "type": "s3",
  "settings": {
    "client": "minio",
    "bucket": "asozial-private",
    "base_path": "elasticsearch",
    "compress": true

It causes the following error message:

  "error" : {
    "root_cause" : [
        "type" : "repository_verification_exception",
        "reason" : "[MinIO] path [elasticsearch] is not accessible on master node"
    "type" : "repository_verification_exception",
    "reason" : "[MinIO] path [elasticsearch] is not accessible on master node",
    "caused_by" : {
      "type" : "i_o_exception",
      "reason" : "Unable to upload object [elasticsearch/tests-xHUOwf1rR_GMvBZaw1WBMw/master.dat] using a single upload",
      "caused_by" : {
        "type" : "amazon_s3_exception",
        "reason" : "The specified bucket does not exist (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchBucket; Request ID: 15FC9C765C2B9467; S3 Extended Request ID: 1c9b6e80-14a3-4006-90f6-2a6f93d95ed1)"
  "status" : 500

The Bucket does indeed exist and shows up in MinIO Browser:
Screenshot (Embeding doesn't work...)

MinIO is configured as Backblaze B2 Gateway.

This is my client configuration:

	endpoint: "localhost:9000"
        protocol: http

I got the upload working by changing the client config to this:

	endpoint: "localhost:9000"
        protocol: http
        path_style_access: true

But now it has problems with deleting the test data:

  "error" : {
    "root_cause" : [
        "type" : "repository_verification_exception",
        "reason" : "[MinIO] cannot delete test data at [elasticsearch]"
    "type" : "repository_verification_exception",
    "reason" : "[MinIO] cannot delete test data at [elasticsearch]",
    "caused_by" : {
      "type" : "i_o_exception",
      "reason" : "Failed to delete blobs [[elasticsearch/tests-QTQgEQg7SWqUb1XLJ_fbjQ/]]",
      "caused_by" : {
        "type" : "multi_object_delete_exception",
        "reason" : "One or more objects could not be deleted (Service: null; Status Code: 200; Error Code: null; Request ID: 15FCC36691B923E1; S3 Extended Request ID: null)"
  "status" : 500

The files also strangely don't show up in MinIO Browser, even though they do show up in B2.

Making and restoring snapshots works, apparently.
The files of the snapshots also do show up, but the test data still doesn't.

There are also empty hidden (overwritten) files in the test data:

Apparently the files with


next to their name are the newer versions.
I thought it was the other way around.
That means the test data is successfully deleted, but for some reason Elasticsearch thinks that it failed.
When deleting the snapshot that I had made earlier it also said that it failed, but it didn't.

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