I have installed a Search guard Plugin in ELK 7.17.3 VERSION IN Windows, but the ELK Cluster is not starting up

I have the ELK Cluster(7.17.3)* on the Windows 2019 Server. I have installed Search Guard Plugin. But after the plugin install the ELK Cluster nodes will not start up. It gives an error ```

  • Javalang Illegalstateexception : failed to load plugin class(com.floragunn.searchguard.searchguard plugin)

Likely root cause: java.security.accesscontrol expection: access denied

would like to know how can i give access to these and any solution to this problem

bin/elasticsearch-plugin install -b file:///path/to/search-guard-flx-<version>.zip

Additional permissions dialogue

You will see the following warning message when installating Search Guard. Confirm it by pressing ‘y’:
( When Installing , i dont get a option to PRESS YES OR NO in the Windows 2019 server.. can any one help me here

@     WARNING: plugin requires additional permissions     @
* java.lang.RuntimePermission accessClassInPackage.sun.misc
* java.lang.RuntimePermission getClassLoader
* java.lang.RuntimePermission loadLibrary.*
* java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission suppressAccessChecks
* java.security.SecurityPermission getProperty.ssl.KeyManagerFactory.algorithm

Hi @AKCG23 Welcome to the community.

1st: SearchGuard is not an Elastic product nor supported by this community, you will need to ask the developer of that product about your issues.

2nd: Security is Free in the Basic version of Elasticsearch so curious what you are looking for?

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OK, I understand SG is a third party product. I am using SG to integrate ELK with other tools

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