I updated metricbeat from 7.2 to 7.3 and now metrics dashboard don't show network or cpu, just load and memory

I updated metricbeat from 7.2 to 7.3 and some of my beas clients, after updating elasticsearch, logstash and kibana from 7.2 to 7.3. and now metrics dashboard don't show network or cpu, just load and memory. I can discover the metrics in discover query, but they simply wont show up in my existing dashboards. They don't show up in my grafana boards either for existing dashboards, It's almost like it's forcing me to create new dashboards because my existing ones are not picking up metricbeat-7.3.0 although filter is for metricbeat-*
Is it because my indices changed from metricbeat-7.2.0* to metricbeat-7.3.0* that my output in the current dashboards are not shown?

Hi @amcneill3, do you see index pattern metricbeat-* in management?

And when you click "create index pattern" there, do you see your metricbeat-7.3.0-xxxxxxindex?

Hi Kaiyan. Yes I do see index pattern metricbeat-* in management.
I think I finally got it fixed. What I had to do on my node that I upgraded from metricbeat-7.2 to metricbeat-7.3 was explicitly set the template name and pattern in /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml

#==================== Elasticsearch template setting ==========================
index.number_of_shards: 1
index.codec: best_compression
#_source.enabled: false
setup.template.name: "metricbeat"
setup.template.pattern: "metricbeat-*"

Looks llke metrics started being written again to a appendant indice

Now I am getting system metrics displayed from my metricbeat-7.3.0 node in kibana and grafana.

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