I want to add more nodes in my existing cluster


I have 3 Node cluster (7.9.2) with elasticsearch license.
I want to add more 5 Data nodes on my existing cluster.
Do I need to have License for extra nodes also?

Please Help me with this situation
Regards Rohit

What's you actual license ? Basic or Gold/Platinum
If G/P yes you need additional license

I have Platinum License of 3 nodes

So Yes you need additional licenses to cover 5 more nodes

I Added One Data Node for Testing purpose.
It worked also shards got allocated to that Node.

Check at your level the max_nodes field of this command
And suggest to contact Elastic support/sales fore more details

GET /_license

Got It
Max 5 Node,

Thanks for Help @ylasri

If you have a Platinum license then please reach out to the Support team for any assistance :slight_smile:

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