I want to import a 3GB system file to ELK in one go

Hey thnx for the reply I have a system log file of 3GB with data like this	Jun 22 10:49:18	date=2020-06-22	local7	notice		time=10:49:17 devname="FW_1" devid="FG2TK19907000" logid="000020" type="traffic" subtype="forward" level="notice" vd="root" eventtime=1592803157 srcip= srcport=57945 srcintf="VLAN-2" srcintfrole="lan" dstip= dstport=443 dstintf="wan2" dstintfrole="wan" poluuid="7b6d31e94-51ea-a540-5761e9fa764f" sessionid=38967804 proto=6 action="accept" policyid=10 policytype="policy" service="HTTPS" dstcountry="United States" srccountry="Reserved" trandisp="snat" transip= transport=57945 appid=41469 app="Microsoft.Portal" appcat="Collaboration" apprisk="elevated" applist="default" duration=104665 sentbyte=271556 rcvdbyte=381246 sentpkt=3499 rcvdpkt=1767 sentdelta=310 rcvddelta=432 

I tried to import it through ELK but it is giving me disk errors after some time..If not elk then can u suggest me any other free and open source software that can read and apply filers to 3GB file