I want to show today traffic and last month average traffic together in timelion

i want to show today traffic and last month average traffic together.

here is my timelion query.
for example, today is 2019-11-21

today traffic(2019-11-21) query: .es(index=indexname, timefield=mytimestamp)
last month average traffic(2019-10-20 ~ 2019-11-20) query: .es(index=indexname, timefield=mytimestamp, metric=count).movingaverage(window=-1M)

is it right???

.es(index=indexname, timefield=mytimestamp)

This will show you the current traffic.

.es(index=indexname, timefield=mytimestamp, metric=count).movingaverage(window=-1M)

If you're looking to compare this month's traffic to the previous months, you'll want to use an offset=-1M, which is explained here: Timelion | Kibana Guide [8.11] | Elastic

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