Is there a search in elasticsearch that support the behavior that when a
user enter a string to search, the ES recognize words as important words in
for example: the user enter the string NEXUS COVER FOR EVERY DAY USE SILK
SOFT BLUE, and I want that the brand(NEXUS) and color(BLUE) will be more
dominant in search, and I have a list of all the colors and all the brand
that exist.
is it possible? and if yes, how do I implement that?
Is there a search in elasticsearch that support the behavior that when a
user enter a string to search, the ES recognize words as important words in
for example: the user enter the string NEXUS COVER FOR EVERY DAY USE SILK
SOFT BLUE, and I want that the brand(NEXUS) and color(BLUE) will be more
dominant in search, and I have a list of all the colors and all the brand
that exist.
is it possible? and if yes, how do I implement that?
I agree with Itamar. It sounds like you do have a list of colors and brands
(tagging), so you can add a boost value as a payload to the relevant terms.
You can use these payloads with a function score script or a custom
similarity. Not an easy solution. If you can maintain a mapping of values
in Elasticsearch (via a plugin), you can bypass the payload and lookup the
terms yourself. Once again, not easy.
On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 3:00 AM, Itamar Syn-Hershko itamar@code972.com
Depending on your corpus, this should happen automatically. That's what
TF/IDF is about.
What you can do further is use NLP methods to tag those items in search
and indexing. Look up POS tagging and entity extraction.
Is there a search in elasticsearch that support the behavior that when a
user enter a string to search, the ES recognize words as important words in
for example: the user enter the string NEXUS COVER FOR EVERY DAY USE SILK
SOFT BLUE, and I want that the brand(NEXUS) and color(BLUE) will be more
dominant in search, and I have a list of all the colors and all the brand
that exist.
is it possible? and if yes, how do I implement that?
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