ILM Rollover Issue

Issue with ILM rollover after updated elasticsearch output:
input_storage-alias is the name of index
I created policy name as input_storage_policy but from Index Management I am getting error message 'illegal_argument_exception:index.lifecycle.rollover_alias (index_storage-alias) does not point to index (index_storage-alias).
The summary of indices:
Aliases - none
Lifecycle policy - Input_storage_policy
Failed step - check-rollover-ready

from API:
POST /_aliases
"actions": [
"add": {
"index": "input_storage-000001",
"alias": "input_storage-alias",
"is_write_index": true

I am getting error message "type: invalid_alias_name_exception" / "reason: Invalid alias name (input_storage-alias), an index exists with the same name as the alias".

Please advise what I need to correct the rollover.



Normally this is not the call recommended in the ILM documentation to bootstrap the initial index and create the alias per documentation

The error mentions that an index exists with the same name as the alias, can you verify this is the case from `GET _cat/indices,, if there is an empty index with this name you should DELETE it before you can bootstrap the index and create the alias per documentation mentioned above

Or if the index with that name is not empty, you should be able to create a different alias name which is not already in use by an index, then you will be able to reindex the data from index to the alias after it was bootstrapped


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